Born to try, live to fly 🕊
I’ll Be Home (For Christmas)
With a lot of people stuck in isolation this Christmas. The phrase “I’ll be home for Christmas” has a slightly sadder connotation.
Here’s How We End Racism
We really need to ask ourselves if it's almost 2022. How is marrying someone of your same race not problematic?
Fuck Afterpay
It’s like the GFC never happened and we forgot what happens when people start trying to make money off giving money to people that are bad at money.
An Addendum To The Big Sick
Don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie where the parents turned out to be right in the end.
Elon Mask
“Everybody get down on the ground! Don’t be a hero! Also please have your vaccine passports ready so we can check them before we start taking the money.”
Wrote this one while I was a little tipsy. Please enjoy.
Doggos are not a bimbi’s best friend 🐶
The YouTube Mental Health Plan
Related videos are better than related people.
Beetroot Salad (part 2)
Having a doctor in the family has it’s pro’s and con’s.
Beetroot Salad (part 1)
Having a doctor in the family has it’s pro’s and con’s.
Kiribath On New Years Eve
This one is dedicated to all the brown kids who had to spend New Years Eve at church ✊🏾
Old Brown People Tings
“Kunju, you’ve got dark.”
6 x 9 = 69 lol