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Elon Mask

Hello, it's me again. 

What’s going on, how’s your life? Are you living it to its absolute max?

Are you really thriving on this rock that floats through the galaxy? I hope you are. 

It’s Friday and so I hope that you’re just having the best day of your life. I hope that today you have a full understanding of what you were made to do. 

I hope that today, everything just feels right. I hope that the sun warms your soul, I hope that the ocean calms your existential fears and I hope that grass gives you a soft place to rest your tired frame. 

I hope that today you live your best life gurl. 

The other day my wife came home from her work Christmas party. Apparently one of the people she works with asked her what it’s like to be married to a comedian. 

She said that it was sadder than you think. 

My wife is officially funnier than I am. 

Now that the year is ending there are a lot more Christmas gatherings everywhere. People using the year and the eased restrictions to catch up. 

The other day we were at this party and was chatting to an older guy who’s a partner at a prestigious Sydney law firm. 

He mentioned he was watching a lot of NBA at the moment. This surprised me. An older Australian guy with grey hair and a couple of older kids who was up to date on the latest NBA news?

Something seemed askew. 

So I said, oh woah so you're really into the NBA.

And then he said, yeah I got into it so I’d have something to talk about with the Asians at work. 

I think that was the sweetest racist thing I’ve ever heard. 

He doubled down. “Oh yeah they love it. Absolutely love it. But almost said it like it was a bad thing, like they were crazy about how much the loved the NBA”

I mean he’s not wrong, a lot of Asian people do like the NBA - but still, it was a bit gross. 

I found it hard to get mad at the guy. Because he was explaining about how he was trying to get to know these people, while also seemingly undermining them as well. 

But hey that’s progress baby. 

The world has a weird way of bringing justice to injustice. 

People used to think that Asian people who wore a mask on public transport were weird. Now they’re prophets and innovators. They are essentially the Elon Musk of Masks - the Elon Masks of the world, if you will. 

I think the whole pandemic started just so that they could have the last muffled laugh. 

Remember when people that wore masks into the bank were considered a threat. Now if you walk into a Westpac with a covered face you’re just another dude fulfilling their civic duty. 

I’m sure it's harder now for bank robbers to maintain their menacing nature. 

Every time they walk in to rob somewhere with their mask on, instead of being immediately afraid everyone actually feels safer. 

He’s got a gun but at least he doesn’t have Omicron. 

So much of life seems to be about forcing yourself to do the things you know you should do but that you really don’t want to do. 

Today I woke up at 5.10am and went to the gym. Do you believe it? 

I can’t.

I got up and went to the gym and all I wanted to do was die. I wanted my existence to end. 

I attempted to do 140 burpees. I only did like maybe 90 but I mean even that is an achievement in itself. 

It’s crazy what you can do even when you don’t want to. 

Even writing this today. I just didn’t want to do it. Because it’s hard and it sucks and I’m tired because I tried to do 140 burpees first thing in the morning. 

I tend to tire myself out by overcomplicating things. 

It’s nice when things are simple and easy. 

It’s amazing how far you can go when you just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. 

That’s what these blogs have seemingly become, just an opportunity for me to keep putting one foot in front of the other. 

Trying to write and make stuff that is good. 

But also, turning myself into someone that can simply just put one foot in front of the other.