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The only reason I started doing stand up was because I failed miserably at the only thing I’ve ever truly wanted to do - become a child actor. I wanted to become a child actor because it looked like such a great life. Agent Cody Banks, Lizzie McGuire, Suite Life of Zack and Cody - these kids looked like they just had fun all day, no responsibilities, plus they kissed girls. Sounds exactly like everything a child needs to grow up into a contributing member of society.

[Insert photo of washed up child star as an adult]

I would fantasise about a life where I could be famous, be loved and adored, just like these kids seemed to be. I don’t think I was particularly interested in the art of creating and living into a character, more just escaping my own life and doing something different. I was smart enough to realise though, that there weren’t people that looked like me on these shows. I could have been the first brown Spy Kid! I could have been earning that Mindy Kailing money!

One day I decided that I would take matters into my own hands. I worked out that you needed an agent in order to start booking TV and film. So I went onto Google and started researching all the different agents that were in Newcastle. I generated a list of emails and walked downstairs while my parents were watching TV. I asked them if they could please email these people on my behalf, explaining to them that my dream was to be an actor and I really needed their help to find me an agent. Mum and Dad literally laughed in my face. Honestly to this day I’ve never seen them laugh so hard. I had just shared my heart, my dream, my passion with them. And when I asked them to take it seriously that only made it funnier to them.

And that’s when I knew I was born to be a stand up comedian.

They didn’t understand, they didn’t get what I was trying to do. They told me that it was my job to study and if I wanted to get a good job that's what I needed to do. “Stop thinking about getting an agent, start thinking about getting in the top 10% of your class”. That’s all that mattered. 

I never really let go of that dream, of that desire to create and pursue something that I thought would be awesome. Initially stand up was this thing that I found you could do instead of getting an agent, a pathway to film and TV. It wasn’t until we did a comedy unit in year nine drama and Ms Gillam told me about the Melbourne Comedy Festival Class Clowns competition. That was the first chance I got to actually try it. Now, stand up is now more than just a pathway, it’s one of my favourite things to do.  

I should say that my parents are the absolute best in the whole world and I wouldn’t be the man or dare I say “artist” I would be today without them. They taught me the importance of hard work, discipline and consistency. For a while there I didn’t really want to listen to them, my art was my thing. But now that I’m a bit older and taking this shit more seriously, their approach makes more sense than ever before. 

It’s true what comedians say though, you never really forget your first laugh


Responsibility (I shit my pants) 2008
