Here’s How We End Racism
I’m not sure how this statement will be received by the wider population but I believe we should all do our part to end racism.
But I think given the current world we live in, the only way we are going to eradicate racism is by eradicating race.
Not just one race, but all races.
People keep screaming for equality, great. The only way we can truly do that is by burning all the races down to the ground.
Everyone needs to be a little bit of something.
People say that love is the answer.
But what is the question for which love is the answer? The answer is the question - How do we solve racism?
It’s by everyone doing their part and marrying someone from a different race and having ambiguously-looking children is the only way that we can end racism for all.
This is one of the main reasons I decided to marry my wife Isabel, a blonde green-eyed smokeshow from Newcastle Australia.
By having unprotected sex and creating caramel babies with my white wife I will not only making the world more cuter - but I am also doing my part to ensure racism finally ends.
Anyone who decides to marry someone of the same race as them, I see as someone that is willing to support the pro-racism movement.
Interracial relationships are the cornerstone of a brighter tomorrow.
Anyone that chooses to engage in same-race relationships I believe are hindering progress.
I believe interracial relationships can create a world where no well-intentioned white person needs to be mocked mercilessly for either posting and not posting a black square.
I believe interracial relationships can create a world where there are no malicious racist white people, because there are no white people. Just different shades of caramel.
I believe in a world where everybody can have a healthy tan, without risking their life at the beach.
I believe in a world where old white men who marry young Asian women who don’t speak much English aren’t ridiculed or thought of as “creepy” but as heroes.
I believe in a world where everyone can listen to hip hop and where high tops without being accused of cultural appropriation.
I believe in a world where the question “where you are from?” is superfluous because it’s just too complicated to even ask.
I believe that the only way we can live in this kind of world is through the power of interracial relationships.
There are a lot of people, on all sides, that have already chosen to side with the conservative view of same-race couples. And to those people I implore you to reconsider who you’ve chosen to be with for the rest of your life.
White people with boring ass sex lives who are always looking to “spice things up in the bedroom”. I promise you nothing will spice up your sex life more than a Sri Lankan or Indian man or women in your bedroom. Plus, you’re literally saving the world.
We really need to ask ourselves if it's almost 2022. How is marrying someone of your same race not problematic?
Look I don’t care if you are gay, straight, queer, trans or +, whatever you do just make sure the person you love most in the world doesn’t share the same culture background to you. Please, if not for you - do it for your children.
Do it to stop racism.
We heard you when you posted that black square last year. Now it’s time to make good on your promise to end racism. Leave your current same-race partner and start an interracial relationship with someone today.